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Before you start!

take off those bodacious body huds and other high scripted items

Befor you start

If you do not have DRD experience activated yet
and an experience window pops up, Click YES
to accept. This is needed to be able to play the hunt.


Join the DRD group to start the hunt and grab a hud from the pile


You are now ready to start

your excellent adventure!

your hud should be in your inventory now.

right click the hud and press



This is your hud
it's a very stylish backpack.

Before you can start playing detective it's advised to gather your equipment first,
look around and find some stuff that looks useful.

how to start

got all your shit?


now you can start playing


make your way into the main

building and find the

"start here " banner


You will find a missing poster board
and a character board, study them well, this will be helpful later on.

Click on a missing poster to start finding clues that relate to the case.


The Missing poster board will give a hint to where the person has last been seen, this is important.
If you are near the spot where the person went missing you will see some weird red fluid that indicates the exact spot, don't be afraid it's ok to walk upto it.

your journal:
this is your go-to item, click on the journal and open it,
You can navigate trough journal
by clicking on the tabs on the side of your journal.
the first tab is your front page,This will lead you to our website for info and this tutorial.
the other tabs are your unlocked stories.

your journal

Click the X marker to close your journal,
Click the switch marker to switch to a different story
We advise beginners to do each case one at a time.
If you are a pro you can try switching around storylines without getting confused.


If the current tab is green with a checkmark marker, this means this is your active story, you are currently able to collect clues for this particular case.

you cannot pick up clues for another case untill you have it unlocked and actived.

greencheck copy.png

If you see that the current tab is red with a switch icon, this page is NOT ACTIVE, you can activate it by clicking the red switch button.


Reading is important this year  ,(I know, boooo)


pay attention to your clues, click on your written down clues in your journal to recieve a summary of what you found, your text will  appear in local chat.

some clues are in the main camp building or around it, some are in the forest
if you think you know who was responsible for your victims being missing or dead, you can head to the character board and click on who you think is the culprit

Finshing a case

you need atleast 6 clues before you can try to guess who the culprit is, if you guess wrong...well, you will get a small case of amnesia and you will have to find 1 clue again, there is also a time-out for a bit.

There are 10 clues in total to collect for each case

to recieve info about characters, click on the paper text.



to go into "guessing" - mode , click on the icon with the questionmark,

Then click on whoever you

think the culprit is



you need atleast 6 clues before you can try to guess who the culprit is, if you guess wrong...well, you will get a small case of amnesia and you will have to find 1 clue again, there is also a time-out for a bit.

There are 10 clues in total to collect for each case

If you have guessed right, you will recieve your prize and you can move on to the next victim..

When you have solved all the missing person cases,
you recieve a final prize.



OMg this is so hard, you promised it would be easier!

This year we have Catarina hart to help you, visit the fortune teller and click on a crystal ball to recieve hints for the case you currently are working on, she can detect which storyline you are on and you will get a hint that should help you on your way.


If you paid attention to this tutorial another helpful item you would have picked up was a map

this will guide you trough and let you know where you are.

Not enough torture ? don't worry This HUD will update during the next weeks, there are other mini-hunts planned with extra prizes , so don't go too far away !


good fucking luck

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