Gothic, Post Apocalyptic, Victorian, Industrial and Rustic Furniture.. A big crazy virtual store for awesome people

**Q:I'm looking for this product... where is it?**
We created over 4000 products in DRD's lifetime, my best guess is nobody knows but there's a few ways you can try to find the product yourself. If none of these help, the product might be discontinued. Ask a csr to be sure.
• The search terminal will come back in the future, for now you can use 'area search' in the "world' tab
Remember area search only works on 1 sim.
• Check if the product is currently at an event. If so, there will be a booth at the landing point with a landmark to the event.
• The product might be sold on marketplace only. See if you can find it there.
• If you do not see something in our shop or on our marketplace it is discontinued.. but fear not we have a fun Box full of our discontinued items !! more info https://deathrowdesignsres.wixsite.com/website/retro
• there is an alphabetical list coming soon with their landmarks
• If you still cannot find a product, just contact a csr we are happy to help.
**Q:Do you make custom builds?**
A:We do not, i know we're horrible people lol, but we do encourage suggestions we have a suggestions channel #suggestion
We have done quite a few of them already :)
**Q:Can i gift this product inworld?**
1:Left Click vendor
2:choose "gift"
3:type the name in the promptbox
4:click submit
5:pay the vendor
6:choose to send directly or with a message
**Q:Can i combine my giftcards?**
A:Send Charlotte Bailey an inworld folder with the cards you want to combine and a notecard, she has more patience to deal with it and will do it for you asap.
But yes you can :)
**Q:I just bought a building that comes with a rezzer, it won't rezz the entire build, what do i do?**
A:Wait 12 hours for it to rezz orrrrr:
Please check if your parcel has enough land impact and that you are not rezzing out of bounds,
if you still have issues, go into edit mode, and drag the rezz platform around, give it a jiggle and a wiggle.
**Q:I just bought a collection set that has a "softlink" (OMG NO REZZBOX YOU SUCK), how do i rezz this safely on my sim without destroying it?**
A:Before dragging the softlink from your inventory make sure you are in 'edit' mode, this way you can drag it around slowly and spin it even without issues, as soon as you let go of your mouse, you cannot reselect the entire softlink easily
**Q:Is the mainstore itself and items for sale?(crates, forklifts, ruins)**
A:No,WE HAVE 1000'S OF ITEMS FOR SALE, REALLYYY??? we would like to keep some stuff for ourselves , kthxbye lol
**Q:I bought this building and i want to add a floor or mod it, can you do it for me?**
A:This depends on the way the building is built, if it is possible, we will try and help, your best helpers for this case are : Charlotte Bailey or deathrowdesigns resident.
**Q:I want a custom texture for this or that, can you do this for me?**
A:It depends again on the product, we have a few custom psd signs for buildings on discord that were sent out
Check the Pinned comments in the #announcement channel
**Q:My guests can't open my door, what do i do?**
A:Leave them outside to rot or
hold click to get the owner menu , yes it's that simple.
**Q:What does this huge fatpack contain, what are the exact contents?**
A: the best way to find out a list of contents is to visit our marketplace, every large pack has everything listed: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/167022
**Q:this item only comes in PG, but i want it adult for my pixel sex fantasies, can you make this adult ?**
Step 1: buy any DRD ADULT Furniture you like
step 2: unlink the engine
step 3: link engine to new product
this is ofcourse optional and only works for certain items, but No, we do not make custom Adult engines for stuff that is just PG.But it is ok if you need help with adding animation you own yourself please contact Charlotte bailey , she will gladly help you.
**Q:I was sitting on one of your chairs and i got a PROP error, the prop will not rezz in my hand, do you guys suck at making animation engines? **
A: Yes we suck, please let us know which item and what prop so we can fix it and send updates.
**Q:I like this set, will you be making more of this particular style?**
A:possibly, maybe, i don't know?
just visit the #suggestions channel and drop it in the list !!!
**Q:I can't find this sculpted shoe from 2010 at DRD, where can i find it?**
A:Deeply hidden in Jaimy hancrofts inventory there is a dark pit of very old sculpted item folders, these folders have sadly vanished and become empty after many failed logins and bugs, they are gone foreverrrrrrr...
**Q:How much Li is this or what is the footprint of this large build?**
A: we are working on a list of footprints and info - coming soon-
For now you can just ask any csr for more info.
**Q:Can i see this building inworld?**
A: we are currently working on a temp. demo rezzer.
for now you can visit the large demo platform with our most popular large builds here
or you can ask a csr that has time to rezz the build for you if you still cannot find it.
alternatively you can ask in group chat, some people have our builds rezzed out on their public sims, and who knows you may make some new fwiends
**Q:Is there a snow roof for this building?**
A: probably not.
you can find older snow addons here
for newer builds we currently have snow addons for :
scarlett hotel and irish pub
**Q:The vendor says this product is mod , but it is NO mod when i recieve it, YOU SCREWED ME ! what do i do ??**
A:The scripts inside are probably no mod, which still makes the object itself Modifiable.
If it is still not mod, please contact us, we sell everything mod usually, there are very rare cases when it's no mod, we are not tyrants that will not let you mod stuff duh.
**Q:I don't want to smoke weed in my couch, can i remove them?**
A: Why? why do you have a small child in a dank grafitti covered couch?
but yes , you can remove them , please contact Charlotte Bailey she will help you with the avpos card.
**Q:where are the DRD - Grimy Cobblestone Streets?? OMG PLEASE I NEED IT HALP!!**
A: We have added them in the retro box, for more info check the website: https://deathrowdesignsres.wixsite.com/website/retro
**Q:I just bought the ___collection and there is an item missing from the pack, what do i do?**
A:Concentrate very hard like a jedi and maybe it will come to your inventory XD
We probably forgot to add it so , shame on us, please contact us immediately so we can roll out updates.
**Q:Can you make a clean or none bloody version of this product?**
A:maybe, you can drop it in our #suggestions channel and we will concider it. also why? lol
short answer is: No we do not do customs
**Q:Can i remove these awesome spiderwebs from the product**
A:I do not know why you'd want to but yes, every single web on a product is always made as a seperate item
**Q:I bought this twice. Can I get a refund?**
A:Stop buying stuff twice!!!
• Yes. Just send a notecard to Deathrowdesigns Resident with transaction details. You will get the refund sent to you.. You can choose whether to get store credit or L$.
**Q:How do i get a redelivery of my item?**
A: visit the redelivery terminal located at the main store entrance here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Death%20Row/115/243/28
**Q:I bought the wrong item. What do I do?**
A:Stop buying the wrong item ! Contact a CSR and we will see what we can do for you
**Q:There's a discount on a mega or large pack, is this normal or will this discount go away?**
A: every collection or large pack has a discount anywhere between 20% to 40% depending on the size and price
size matters
**Q:My vendor says 'booting' or it sent me the wrong item what do i do?**
A:Try and kick it very hard or let us know BECAUSE THIS NEEDS FIXING ASAP
**Q:I want a small item from a pack, i can only buy that pack, can i buy the item seperately?**
A:Yes you can , but only if you ask nicely, contact deathrowdesigns resident
**Q:Can i top up my giftcard?**
A: yes , please visit here
make sure you wear the giftcard you want tot topup
**Q:I have lost half of my inventory? help what do i do? all my drd stuff is gone and now i'm sad forever**
A:You can get a redelivery for most items.if you cannot get a redelivery, we do have records dating back to 2014, please contact charlotte bailey.
If you lost old gacha's or no copy items, please try LL support first , logging into hippo hollow, clearing your cache, deleting your appdata romaing folder , and so on before you contact us.
**Q:Can I exchange gachas to copy versions?**
A: No.
We gave customers a year notice to exchange their gacha's , the gacha exchange machines are gone and all of our gacha items are for sale seperatl;y at the mainstore.
**Q: Will you ever make gacha's again?**
A: No, for those wondering, we will not replace our gacha's into meepons, miepons, chacha's, jujumachines, gochapons, chichipons, gogopinochi's, chachapon,bleepo's, bloopediboops or shitty tiersystems or any other weird sales tactic machines. nada, zipp, nothing.
**Q:What is the store group?**
A:it's a group full of crazy folks.Our in-world official group is Death Row Design it costs just 5 Linden to join. The perks of joining are the many group gifts set out, updates of the new items and a member only discount on our infamous retro box.
**Q:What are the rules for the inworld group?**
• Don't pester the BOT too much
(try not to use it RIGHT after a CSR question is asked or middle of convos)
• Feel free to talk about anything, other stores , sl destinations etc we encourage fun chats
• Keep Landmark spam in IMs as much as possible
• Group chat logs are instantly transmitted to a channel in DRD's Discord server #inworld group chat for a better customer service.The server is public
• Do not blatantly advertise your own store/bussiness or new releases.
• No Spam - Begging = Instaban
• english only
• Keep it moderate, we don't need to know which vagina you own or how much vagina cumjuice it can squirt per minute.
• Don't be a fucking dick
• Respect eachother for pete's sake
• Glitch, you are still on thin ice
**Q:What does DRDBOT do?**
A:you can type in !commands in chat and recieve a list of current commands that you can use.
for example if you type !csr you get a current list of csrs
**Q:where are the groupgifts and how many are there?**
A:TOO MANY, they can be found at the entrance here
click on the "all DRD groupgifts ever" - page
**Q: theres no groupgift this month, you people are ruining my second life experience !**
A:We used to do groupgifts each month, we try to do them now as often as we can, but we are creating none stop, we have 100s of gifts in a giant box to sooth the pain :p
**Q:where can i find this elusive box?**
and here
and here
**Q:What's in the retro box?**
A: You can see all its contents here
**Q:Why does the retro box exist?**
Why is all this in one box?
you might think some of these items do not belong in here.
but for us, these items are out of date, old, buggy, badly built and textured and just well not really what we want to sell at full price anymore, granted some of it still looks.. okay.
but for some of you these items might still come in handy for certain roleplays or pictures or whatnot , so we decided to put these all in a goodiebox.
Unfortunatly we will not be offering any updates on these items or fixes.
**Q:How do i get an update for the box?**
A: You get lifetime updates! updates are automatically sent out, this box will grow everytime we discontinue products.(and go up in price, so get it while it's hot)
If you did not recieve your update please visit the redelivery terminal for the updated box.
**Q:When is the next DRD sale?**
• Each year around black friday
• Every summer there is a summer sale
the dates may vary, please refer to our notices for more info and we post it on flickr as well
**Q:what is excluded from the sales at DRD?**
A:Giftcards, the retro box and everything in the outlet section is always excluded
**Q:Can you define the outlet section?**
A:It is the middle brick walls in the store, everything against those brick walls are either 50% or 70% off, these have already been marked down and do not change during the rest of the year.
**Q:How does the sale work?**
A: our sales are cashback, you pay the full price and get the % back in return
**Q:are sale prices already marked down or is there a refund?**
A:There is a refund , check the excluded items and already MARKED down items in our announcements
**Q:Can i purchase products with my store credits during a sale?**
A:Unfortunatly you cannot , this is a caspervend setting that we do not have control over. (you will not recieve a refund if you try it)
**Q:Is the fifty linden friday sale over?**
A:We put out our product only on FRIDAY, Fifty Linden ---FRIDAY---- is the name of the event, if it's there on saturday you are lucky we probably overslept or were not home lol
**Q:Can i get a discount if i leave a review on MP or if i promote you?**
A:No, we cannot be bought , you can only bribe us with cupcakes.
**Q:No one has responded to my question, you guys suck! what do i do? i came here even?**
A:Visit the Groupgifts , open the box and search for the "butthurt carepackage"
or Send a message to a csr or deathrowdesigns resident with your question. We may have missed your message as we get daily questions coming in.
**Q:Who are the csrs?**
◈ Charlotte Bailey - CSR + CSR Manager
◈ SixDigital - CSR + Flickr Group Manager (can also be contacted for blogging)
◈ Conneradam - CSR
◈ Qzxr - CSR + Blog Manager
◈ Moon Watanabe - CSR
◈ Jessie Dannitza - CSR on crack
**Q:When is the next DRD HUNT i want my free experience please lol**
A:Every year around the same date between October 11th-20th you can expect a new experience that willl last a few months.
**Q:Are you looking for bloggers?**
A:We rotate bloggers now and then, so maybe!
You can submit an application via Blogotex
The blogging manager will take a look at your application. Thank you for wanting to blog for us!
**Q:I'm having an issue with a purchase from Hisa. is it illegal to ask questions about HISA products in DRD chat?**
A:No it is totally fine we will refer you to the correct person, group , discord or chat.
**Q:who would I need to contact about sponsorship? or if anyone knows if DRD are interested in sponsoring?**
**Q:How often do you do discord giveaways and where are they?**
A: whenever we want to njeh njeh njeh, they are in #giveaways JOIN OUR DISCORD
**Q:Can you make this carriage for teegle , or this babyroom for zooby?**
A:No, sorry we do not have the creator kits nor do we have the patience to actually deal with it, we're very sorry.
**Q:I have a hunt question, where do i go?**
A:hunts are available around halloween, during that time everything you need to know is on the DRD webpage**
**Q:why am I not able to access and purchase this product ?**
A:You could have been BANNED from caspervend, we do not often ban , so we probably did it for a good reason, feel free to try and contact deathrowdesigns resident and see if she can be bribed.
**Q:Can you unban me from your land or caspervend?**
A:It depends what the ban was for, you may need to convert to the church of DRD and sell your soul to get unbanned.